The first impression

The first few seconds are always crucial, and the first thing visitors will see when entering your home will be your front door. Make sure everything is clean, that no objects are obstructing the entrance, and, if necessary, that it has been repainted. As for the outdoors, your lawn and garden must be maintained regularly. Make sure there is no waste or dead leaves, either at the front or in the backyard. If it has snowed, thoroughly clean and remove any trace of ice on the stairs and entrance.


Make sure to do some paint touch-ups, replace damaged wallpaper, repair cracks and broken tiles.

Let the sun shine

Open the blinds and curtains, and let the sunlight in. If you can choose the time at which the visitors will come, make sure that it is during the day, so that visitors can see how well the sun lights up the space. If visitors come in the evening, greet them with all the outdoor and indoor lights on, and replace broken light bulbs, if any. The house will seem warmer and more welcoming.

Repair water leaks

Dripping water does not give a good impression to your visitors when they see your bathroom, and they may think that your home has plumbing issues or that it lacks maintenance.

Do not underestimate little details

Take the time to make sure that all doors, drawers, sliding windows and doors work perfectly. If you do not adjust them, your house may lose some value.

Safety First

Make sure the stairs are clear and everything is in its place. Visitors will want to see every corner of the house. Keeping the floors and stairs clear will avoid any accident and you will ensure that the visit goes smoothly.

Do Not Forget the Attic and the Basement

Keep your attic, your basement, as well as any storage space clean and tidy. Repainting the basement can make a huge difference.

Big Closets

Do not forget to keep your closets tidy to make them look big. You want to make sure that the visitors know that they will have plenty of closet space.

Bathrooms can change everything

Keep the bathroom tidy and clean, the sink cleaned, the tiles repaired, the towels clean and in their place.

Cozy Bedrooms

Make sure that the light into the bedrooms and that they are clean. Get rid of any useless furniture that takes up too much space, use attractive bedspreads with harmonious colors, and make sure your blinds and curtains are open and cleaned.

Full House

Avoid having too many people at home when visitors arrive. Buyers may feel uncomfortable and feel like they may be disrupting your family routine, and could tend to leave earlier than expected and not take the time needed to see all the details of your home.

Good Vibes

Your 90’s rock playlist will not necessarily appeal to your visitors. Make sure to lower the volume of your devices and to turn off the TV. Allow your RE/MAX broker to discuss with his customer in a quiet environment, you will be surprised with the results.

Beware of Dog

Your dog may be your best friend, but some people can be allergic or simply be afraid of dogs. Make sure to keep them away during the visit.

Leave It to the RE/MAX Broker

Be welcoming and caring, answer questions, but make sure you let the broker do their job. You may want to make sure to tell the visitors that your house is the best in the neighbourhood, but it is important that you allow visitors to discover it on their own. Don’t try to apologize for the appearance of your home. If visitors express any objections or derogatory comments, let the experienced RE/MAX broker answer them, you’re in good hands. In addition, your RE/MAX broker knows the needs and desires of the visitors, and will be able to convince them.

Do Not Get Ahead

If the opportunity arises, do not immediately offer to sell your furniture and furnishings to the visitor. Stay calm and relaxed, your RE/MAX broker will know when the time is right to touch on the subject.

The Negotiations

Let your RE/MAX broker discuss the selling price, terms, possession guidelines and other elements with the costumer. Your broker is experienced, so it’s only natural to allow him to negotiate in order to obtain the best possible outcomes, always to your advantage.

Trust Us

Your RE/MAX broker is at your disposal at all times. Consult with them before making important decisions about the sale of your home. They have the advantage of a having an extensive experience and are always at your service.

Don’t Hesitate to Use Our Service, You Will Sell Faster

We recommend that we show your home to prospective customers only by appointment through our office. This will be greatly appreciated and it will help us sell your home quickly.